Viruses 25 July 2018 Press Release

Campden BRI expands virology facilities

Campden BRI has opened a new virology laboratory to support its virus services. Foodborne viruses are a safety challenge for a range of foods including ready–to–eat products, fresh produce, bivalve shellfish and pork products.

The new suite contains a new, large open–plan laboratory for analyses, validation trials and project work on norovirus, hepatitis A and hepatitis E. The lab also contains two new CO2 incubators for culturing of cells and viruses such as murine norovirus, a surrogate of human norovirus.

Martin D’Agostino, who manages the virology team said, "This is a further development of our virus research and testing facilities. This expansion allows us to increase the scope of work that we can offer clients."

This investment follows the UKAS accreditation to ISO 17025:2005 of Campden BRI’s method for the detection of human norovirus GI/GII and hepatitis A virus on fresh and frozen soft berry fruits and a range of salad vegetables earlier this year.

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