Research programme 2016 14 January 2016 Press Release

Campden BRI unveils 2016 research programme

Campden BRI has announced nine new food and drink research projects for 2016 – all developed, chosen and to be steered by members of the food and drink industry worldwide. This unique level of industry engagement will ensure the projects tackle issues of direct practical relevance to industry.

The new projects span four categories – safety; quality and value; nutrition, health and wellbeing; and skills and knowledge - and will run for between one and three years.

The new projects include research on the extension of product shelf-life through super chilling, designing food and drinks for personalisation of diets for different life stages, and ensuring the chemical safety of food and drink using non–targeted screening methods.

The projects were selected from a variety of research proposals developed with the close involvement of industry, and the most relevant identified through a vote by Campden BRI’s 2,400 members across 75 countries to decide which should receive funding from the company’s £2 million annual member funded research programme.

To ensure the projects deliver industrially relevant results, each will be steered by one of Campden BRI’s 13 Member Interest Groups (MIGs). These are composed of and chaired by key representatives from the food and drink industry.

For details of all the projects in Campden BRI’s research programme visit Campden BRI’s members have exclusive access to the research outputs and reports.

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