Campden BRI Day 2013 Highlights
Over 500 members and guests registered for
Campden BRI Day 2013
The Annual Campden Lecture was again a highlight, given this year
by Michael McCain, President and CEO, Maple Leaf Foods Inc.,
Canada. Taking Towards a global food strategy - from discourse to
dialogue as his theme, Mr McCain vividly outlined his vision of what
is required of us all if we are to develop a truly sustainable food
production system. The lecture is available as a podcast. For a transcript, send an email
to auto@campdenbri.co.uk with the subject line: send Lecture2013
A new highlight this year was the judging of the UK final of
Ecotrophelia – a competition for student teams developing ecoinnovative
food products. The winners were a team from
Harper Adams University for their 'Hearty meal' – a ready meal
offal pie consisting of various types of offal, vegetables and
potatoes. (see www.ecotrophelia-uk.org)
The Heinz Award for Excellence is
awarded to an employee of
Campden BRI who has
demonstrated extraordinary
scientific contributions to the food
processing industry in recent years. This year it was presented
to Dr. Dean Burfoot for his work on reduction of
Campylobacter contamination on poultry.
The exhibits and displays were based around 4 themes: research
and innovation; analysis and testing, knowledge management, and
operational support. Visitors also took the opportunity to tour
our processing, product development and sensory science
facilities. Visit our Campden BRI Day page for a chance to view
exhibit posters.