Emerging technologies for product development From November 2013 newsletter

Emerging technologies for product development

Emerging technologies such as high-pressure processing (HPP) are now well established for achieving products with 'fresh' like properties, but with a shelf life of weeks or months rather than days. Products processed in this way to increase shelf life include juices, dips, and dairy products.

More recently, technologies such as HPP and power ultrasound are being used to change the properties of foods, to give an improved or novel product. Examples with HPP include a decrease in oil uptake during frying, increased tenderisation of meat, and improved gel formation in cheese, resulting in an increased yield. Power ultrasound can be used for a variety of applications, including increasing yield in the extraction of caffeine, sugar or other components, the production of emulsions using less emulsifier, and decreasing viscosity. We have recently investigated viscosity changes in mushroom sauce, a gelatinised starch preparation and a fruit preparation.

Benefits of HPP and power ultrasound

To investigate the possible benefits of using HPP and power ultrasound for your product development and quality improvement needs, come and make use of our pilot scale HPP and power ultrasound equipment as well as our expertise in these areas.

Check out our newly updated new technologies web pages for more examples of how we can help.

Contact: Colette Jermann
+44(0)1386 842451

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